Custodial Reviews/Evaluations
Q: Theresa Palagonia, North Country SU: Looking for a template for custodial reviews, is this something anyone in the group has and would be willing to share?
A: Danny Pickering, Kingdom East SD: Attached is a form that I developed in our district that pertains to the positions of maintenance or custodian. I needed to change what existed so it would apply to these departments.
A: Greg Harrison, Bennington-Rutland SU: Employee Evaluation Form 2023
A: Derek Madden, Maple Run USD: Here's the link to the form I use
A: Bill McKenna, Windham Northeast SU: I have this evaluation form
A: Dylan Laflam, Lamoille North SD:
Custodial Procedures 23 update - Lamoille North
Custodial Section Review Sheet - Lamoille North
Trade Magazine for Custodial & Maintenance Staff
Q: Theresa Palagonia, North Country SU: Can anyone recommend a good trade magazine for custodial and maintenance staff.
A: Rick Schuhmann, Windham Northeast SU: This is what I have received in the past. Some good articles. You can sign up to have it delivered either via email (which is what I receive) or I believe you can still get a hard copy delivered.
Q; Glenn Scott, Rutland City SD: At Rutland City Schools we are looking to upgrade the Bell System within our High School. I'm interested in any recommendations for vendors that repair/install bell systems and Bell system software programs
Room Temperature Regulations
Q: Shawn McNamara, Caledonia Central SU: I have been trying to find any regulations on room temperatures for VT. School. What is the minimum? and Maximum temperatures to have before closing? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Phone Systems
Q: Brian Rafferty, Lamoille South SU: We are in the process of going out to bid for a new phone system at Lamoille South. We were wondering what vendors other districts use and if they are satisfied with their cost and service?
A: Joe Houston. Orleans Southwest SU: When I was at Orleans Central we used Business Communications Service to do all phone system upgrades throughout the SU. They were picked through a bid process for the high school and we used them for all six elementary middle schools after that. Bob Steis is the owner, they're a small outfit but super responsive and helped diagnose a lot of issues that had nothing to do with their system. Their main number is (802) 658-1711 I don't have their email anymore, sadly I forgot to add it to my address book when I changed jobs.
A: Theresa Palagonia, North Country SU: Our tech department uses Twin State primarily. They've been happy with the pricing and service.
Playground Design & Equipment
Q: Joe Houston, Orleans Southwest: We are looking at redoing the playground at one of our schools in the near future and I'm wondering if anyone has recommendations on who they have worked with successfully in the past. I'd be most interested in firms that offer design services for space rather than simply supplying playground equipment.
A: Scott Hathaway, Greater Rutland County SU: Ultiplay Parks & Playgrounds. ​I used them at Wells Village School and am very happy with them and they cover it all.
A: Jason Butler, Missisquoi Valley SD: In the past few years we have added two new playgrounds in our district. We have used Bob Pettinelli. He sells Miracle Equipment. He will help with design and layout based on the space you have available. He was great to work with. His contact info is below.
Robert Pettinelli
Pettinelli & Associates Inc.
PO Box 5814, Burlington VT 05402
Office: 1-802-862-3002; Toll Free: 1-800-775-8154; Cell: 802-238-3619
A: Theresa Palagonia, North Country SU: Two of our schools had new playgrounds installed in the past couple years, they both used Pettinelli & Associates. 95 N. Brownell Rd, Williston, VT (802) 862-3002.
A: Steven Reynolds, Missisquoi Valley SD: We have used Pettinelli Recreation and are extremely happy with the service & products they have provided to us. https://pettinellirecreation.com/
A: Isaiah Casey, North Country SU: We recently put in a new playground and would recommend pettinelli and associates in Burling to play ground Bob he did our design and supplied the playground and installed playground too. He was great I would love to have a chance to show you what we got and what he gave us for drawings ext to help you in your process
A: Joe Rigoli, Mountain Views SU: We have had good luck using Burke: https://www.bciburke.com/ My contact there is: jhagen@bciburke.com Burke provides design and install services.
A: Bob Ratel, Orange East SU: We just purchased a new playground structure last Summer at Thetford Elementary School from 'All Things Recreation.' They have a wide range of structures available, and my contact, Jamee Nesta was very helpful throughout the entire process. Delivery receipt and install was handled by 'Premier Park & Play', and they were excellent as well. Contact info:
All Things Recreation
Jamee Nesta
(973) 447-7656
Premier Park & Play
Doug Knotts
(617) 244-3317
A: Glenn Scott, Rutland City SD: We recently worked on a playground design and installation with two vendors listed below.
We ultimately went with Pettinelli & Associates who supplies Miracle playground equipment- which matched our structure at other schools.
Pettinelli & Associates, INC.
Robert Pettinelli
PO BOX 5814 Burlington, VT 05402
+1 802-862-3002; playgrdbob@aol.com
Ultiplay USA
Chris Martin, CPSI
Northern New England Sales Representative
C: 774.287.9182; T: 866.575.PLAY; W: ultiplayus.com
Home Office Address: 179 Spring St, Farmington, NH 03835
Main Office Address: 43 Main Street, Blackstone, MA 01504
Policy re: Events on School Closure Days
Q: Dylan Laflam, Lamoille North SD: What are your schools/district's policy on after school activities during an emergency closure day? I am mostly asking about varsity level sports programs.
A: Shawn McNamara, Caledonia Central SU: CCSU has a policy in place that cancels all school activities on any day the school is closed due to closures.
A: Garry Scott, Essex Westford SD: Last year we cancelled all afterschool activities on snow days that upset a lot of people if there was not a lot of snow. This year we now work with the Athletic Director, monitor the weather and make a decision around 1100 to determine if we can accommodate after school practices or games.
A: Greg Frost, Windham Central SU: This is such a gray area. I would think, if we cannot have school then we are saying that we do not want students on the roads and everything should be canceled. I would imagine this is a district by district determination. I would also reach out to VSBIT to see if they have helped anyone with a policy around this.
I think if we cancel school, we would surely put ourselves at risk requiring athletes to drive to practice, or a game. And if someone happened to get into an accident, you would potentially be liable. However, the sports teams surely do not necessarily agree with this line of thought.
The High School in Windham Central will hold practices if the weather has cleared. I believe they leave it up to the coaches discretion. I can understand that concept, but I think policy should determine things like this. In many cases the coach doesn't work at the school, so should they really hold that decision making power? I would think a policy should be formed, and it should be managed by the AD.
A: Joe Houston, Orleans Southwest: Both at LR when I was coaching there and Craftsbury when I was AD we would allow after school activities even if there was no school although it would be a call made by the principal or AD later in the day based on weather conditions. The rationale being that a lot of times things are much better at 3 p.m. than they were earlier in the day when school was cancelled.
A: Ray Daigle, Harwood UUSD: We cancel all after school activities, whether school sponsored or outside groups.
It's not policy but guidelines/protocols.
A: Greg Harrington, Bennington-Rutland SU: I am a basketball coach at Burr and Burton, they do not necessarily cancel just because school is canceled. If later in the day the weather gets better they may decide to hold events as scheduled.
A: George Trieb, Colchester SD: In Colchester, if school is closed for any safety reasons, all activities are cancelled.
Kitchen Hood Cleaning
Q: Glenn Scott, Rutland City SD: We are looking for a company that completes Kitchen Hood cleaning. I'm interested in what reliable vendors other schools have been successful with completing this required cleaning.
A: Matt Brouillette, Grand Isle SU: We use these guys in Grand Isle Supervisory Union, he is very good and clean. Does a great job picking up everything after as well. http://www.comstockscleaningservice.com/
A: Ray Daigle, Harwood UUSD: We've been using New England Air for the hood cleaning in this district for many years and are very happy with their work. Contact Jason Noel 802-238-3810.
A: Phil Graff, Mount Mansfield UUSD: We have been using Valmur Pressure Cleaning Services in Richmond for years.
They do a great job and are reliable.
Valmur Pressure Cleaning Services, 180 Hillview Rd, Richmond, VT 05477
(802) 434-2506
A: Mike Bigelow, Caledonia Central SU: Vermont Keep it Clean, PO Box 250, Plainfield, VT 05667
802-309-1334, estimates@hoodclean.com
A: Jonathan Garthwaite, Hartford SD: I recently contracted with Dependable Hood for all of our kitchen hood cleaning. They have done an excellent job and also provide certification of inspection for function and compliance. The Fire Marshal has been happy with them as well. Contact: Rich Amador, Jr., (603) 817-3035 (Cell). Email: rich@dependablehood.com
A: Steven Reynolds, Missisquoi Valley SD: Not sure if Comstock Cleaning (802) 370-2358 Dan ) services the Rutland area but they do an absolute fantastic job at our schools