The 66th Annual School Plant Operation & Maintenance Conference
Hosted By:
The Vermont School Custodians and Maintenance Association (VSCMA)
will be held:
Thursday, June 20, 2024
Hartford High School, White River Jct, VT
The School Plant Operations and Maintenance Conference is a full day conference for K-12 facilities professionals, including custodial, maintenance, grounds, and directors. This is the ONLY in-depth, nuts & bolts training for facilities professionals offered in Vermont! Conference attendees are eager to learn about new products and the latest tools and technologies to benefit their school. The program agenda will be designed to maximize time available for attendees to spend in the exhibitor area.
Registration is now open! (Click to register)
$50 per person registration, includes lunch
Meet Our Keynote Presenter!
Jimmy draws from his experience as a public school janitor in Worcester Mass for 18 years.
Performing stand up at night helps him stay grounded.
He has worked with some of the biggest acts in comedy and currently opens for comedian Bob Marley.
He is the winner of Last Comix Standing 2021, held at Mohegan Sun.
Please Enjoy these clips!
Facilities Person of the Year
We are now accepting nominations for the Facilities Person of the Year!
Qualified individuals will be:
Current full-time school facility staff
Have served in a Vermont school for at least five years
Exemplify the positive qualities of a hardworking, dedicated member of their school team.
You may find more information
about submitting your nomination
Conference Schedule
7- 8:55 Conference registration and visiting vendors.
9 - 10:15 Opening Session and Keynote Presentation
10:20 - 11:20 Workshop Session 1
11:25 - 12:25 Lunch and visiting vendors.
12:30 - 1:15 General Session
1:20 - 2:20 Workshop Session 2
2:25 - 3:25 Workshop Session 3
3:30 Vendor door prize drawing and adjourn